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What’s the Deal with the #PutAnEggOnIt Craze?

Believe it or not, eggs haven’t always been the star of the breakfast show (we know, we were shocked too!). In fact, up until the 1800s, it was common for people to just have leftovers for breakfast. But over the years, breakfast trends continue to change. And right now, the #PutAnEggOnIt craze is what’s taking over up-and-coming food joints. So, what’s the deal?

Well, aside from being nutrient dense, eggs are simple, convenient and delicious. One large egg contains 6 grams of protein, which is a solid chunk of the daily requirement for an average adult. Regular egg consumption has also been linked with weight loss, increased memory retention and a reduced risk of developing heart disease.

Due to these ongoing studies and findings, consumers began realizing the importance of eggs in the diet. A survey by Technomic showed that 75 percent of people perceive foods high in protein as being healthier and 39 percent are willing to pay extra for it. Since eggs are abundant and affordable, this sparked more restaurants to expand their menus and make room for the protein powerhouse.

Luckily for egg lovers, eggs are not only a breakfast staple, they are a popular all-day addition to any meal. Whether it’s an ultimate late-night supper or a mid-afternoon snack on-the-go, eggs take minutes to prepare and are guaranteed to keep you satisfied.

Our Commitment to Quality
Here at Chino Valley Ranchers, we understand the exact components that make up a tasty and healthy egg. We also know that eggs provide an affordable indulgence and are a convenient way to add protein to any kind of dish. That’s why we promise to stay committed to using nutritious, top-quality feed to keep our chickens healthy, active and content. To ensure delicious eggs for our customers, we always feed our hens an organic diet that is free of antibiotics, steroids, and hormones. It’s just one of the ways we make sure we provide quality products to our customers.

To learn more about our products and sustainability, contact Chino Valley Ranchers today!