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Try This Delicious New Year’s Eve Deviled Egg Appetizer

New Year’s Eve is just a few days away, which means many people will be hosting and counting down the new year with friends and family. If you are throwing a New Year’s Eve party, it is important to have plenty of tasty appetizers available throughout the night. Not sure what to serve your guests? Not a problem! Chino Valley Ranchers has a delicious deviled eggs recipe that works perfectly as a New Year’s Eve appetizer. For the full recipe, continue reading!

What You’ll Need:

  • Chino Valley Ranchers’ eggs
  • Vinegar
  • Mayonnaise
  • Mustard
  • Milk
  • Salt
  • Pepper

1. Boil your eggs.

Take a large cooking pot, fill it with water and set the stove on high heat. When the water starts to boil, place your Chino Valley Ranchers eggs into the pot and let them cook for a few minutes. This will create hard boiled eggs. When they are finished cooking, remove the eggs from the pot and let them cool for about 15-20 minutes.

2. Prep your hard-boiled eggs.

Take the eggs and peel off the egg shells. Once that is done, slice each egg in half and remove the yolk from its center.

3. Mix your ingredients.

Take the removed egg yolks, place them in a bowl and thoroughly mix in your mayonnaise, vinegar, milk, mustard, salt and pepper together.

4. Put it all together.

With your egg yolk mixture ready, scoop a little bit of it on top of each sliced hard-boiled egg. As a final step, feel free to add any seasoning you like.

In just four easy steps, you can have a delicious New Year’s Eve appetizer ready to serve to your guests! To make your dish taste its best, it is important to use only the best eggs out there, like the ones produced at Chino Valley Ranchers. For more information on our high quality eggs, contact Chino Valley Ranchers today!