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The Perfect Rosemary & Thyme Waffle Recipe From Food Blogger RealFoodRabbit!

When it comes to breakfast, I’ve always preferred sweet over savory foods.  As a kid, it was sugar-coated cereal, pancakes, toast with cinnamon and sugar, and the occasional Pop-Tart (yep…I used to eat that stuff).  My breakfasts have come a long way since then.  These days they are in the form of fresh fruit, healthy waffles or a protein-packed mug cake.


All that being said, lately, I’ve been eating more savory breakfasts.  However, that doesn’t mean I’m only eating eggs, meat, and veggies.  Nope!  I’ve actually been experimenting with savory waffles and I’ve come up with a few delicious recipes like this one: Rosemary & Thyme Waffles.


These savory waffles are made using Chino Valley Ranchers’ Organic, Omega-3, Soy-Free Eggs, a little gluten-free flour, olive oil and spices.  All simple, healthy ingredients that can fuel me through my morning workout, running errands and chasing the kids around.


I’ve never been someone to skip breakfast – which I think stems from eating an early dinner each night (typically around 5 PM).  For me, breakfast is the most important meal because it’s what fuels my busy mornings and sets me up for a healthy day.  I’m always hungry in the mornings when I wake up, especially these days, with breastfeeding and being up frequently throughout the night.  It’s important to me to properly fuel my body with foods such as organic eggs (full of so many essential nutrients), high-quality protein/meats and a huge variety of vegetables.  Of course, I eat plenty of fun foods too – as I believe balance is key for maintaining a healthy “diet” and important for mental/emotional health.


Rosemary & Thyme Waffles



  1. In a medium-sized mixing bowl, combine all dry ingredients.  Mix well.
  2. Add in eggs, olive oil and water.  Mix well.
  3. Pour batter into preheated waffle iron*
  4. Cook until done.

Recipe makes 6 mini waffles

*Pour just enough batter to cover the bottom of the waffle iron.  The waffles will rise quite a bit.


These Rosemary & Thyme Waffles are packed full of healthy nutrients, mostly thanks to the organic, soy-free eggs.  Eggs contain 13 essential vitamins & minerals, all 9 essential amino acids, are one of the best sources of choline and selenium, and are a good source of vitamins D, B12, phosophorus and riboflavin.  Unless you have an egg intolerance or allergy, eating organic eggs is one of the best things you can do for your body!  They are one of nature’s true super-foods!


One of my top favorite egg brands is Chino Valley Ranchers.  They offer a wide selection of organic eggs and egg whites.  This recipe uses their Organic, Omega-3, Soy-Free Eggs that come from hens raised on organic, non-GMO feed containing flax.  (The flax increases the content of omega-3 fat in their eggs.)  These hens are given 24/7 access to the outdoors where they are allowed to roam and socialize.  Happy hens  = healthy eggs 🙂


There are many topping options for these Rosemary & Thyme Waffles, but adding an extra fried egg is by far my favorite choice.  That runny yolk is perfect for waffle dipping 😉  But if you’re looking to add something else, I suggest plain cream cheese, butter, plain yogurt or some melted cheese.


Have you tried making savory waffles?  What are your favorite waffle flavor combinations?


View original recipe here