The Eggs-act Temperature: Room Temp Your Eggs
Getting that eggs-act temperature for your eggs can be a hard-boiled task. When a recipe calls for room temperature eggs, you do not always have the time to let the eggs sit overnight and acclimate. But throwing them into the microwave to warm them is not the answer either. So how is it possible to achieve the perfect temperature without overcooking your eggs? Here is a quick rundown of how to warm them.
1. Crack the egg: Crack as many shells as needed into a bowl. Use a stainless steel bowl for the best results, as they tend to warm faster than a typical glass bowl when placed in water. It also does not retain the heat after removed from the water, so the eggs will not continue to warm after they are done.
2. Whisk the eggs: If the recipe calls for both the yolk and the egg white, whisk the eggs together until they are mixed. This will help keep the warmth even throughout the entire egg, instead of in just spots.
3. Fill bowl with warm water: Tap water works fine as long as the water is above room temperature. Make sure the bowl used is larger than the original stainless steel bowl used for the eggs, as the stainless steel bowl will need to fit inside.
4. Stir gently: Every one or two minutes, stir the eggs gently. Use a thermometer or a finger to test the temperature of the eggs. As soon as the eggs are between 68 and 70 degrees, remove them from the water.
5. Add to recipe: Now that the eggs are room temperature, they can be added to the recipe. If the recipe calls for adding one egg at a time, divvy the mixture up and add it one at a time. For example, if a recipe calls for four eggs added one at a time, pour in one quarter of the mixture.
Looking for some more egg-citing recipes? Contact Chino Valley Ranchers today