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Organic Eggs 101

Have you wondered what it means to eat an organically produced egg? How is this type of egg different from other egg options? Are there benefits to eating them? We at Chino Valley Ranchers are experts in all things related to eggs and are happy to explain what defines an organic egg. To get a better understanding of the organic egg, continue reading!

1. Organic certification is required.

In order for a farmer to produce organic eggs, they first must be certified as an organic farmer. While the requirements for this certification vary from country to country, most places require a set of production standards for the growing, storage and packaging of the eggs.

2. The birds are fed quality feed.

With organic eggs, the chickens are fed food that is filled with quality ingredients and are free from harmful pesticides. With that, a certified organic farmer will usually grow the feed as well.

3. The living conditions are nicer.

Birds producing organic eggs tend to not live in cages and typically have the ability to roam around the farming area. This allows them to move around and produce higher quality eggs.

4. Organic farmers must be regulated by an animal welfare audit system.

An audit system will keep up with farmers to make sure they don’t mistreat the birds. In fact, if mistreatment of the chickens is found, a farmer can lose his or her organic certification. This audit system holds farmers accountable for their actions towards the birds.

Buying organically produced eggs is a great thing. The chickens are happier, which makes the eggs so much better. We should know, as Chino Valley Ranchers is a proud producer of delicious, organic eggs. For information about our eggs, contact us today!