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Fitness Coach Prefers Pasture Raised Eggs from Chino Valley Ranchers

Christopher Rocchio, a health and fitness coach from Southern California, recently shared the differences between caged eggs versus pasture raised eggs on his Instagram page (@chris.rocchio_fit).

Chino Valley Ranchers is an egg-producing and distributing company that believes in raising its chickens on all-organic diets and in cage-free environments. “We make our own organic feed and operate Southern California’s only organic feed mill for poultry,” said Chris Nichols, co-owner of Chino Valley Ranchers. Since 1950, they’ve been providing organic eggs to customers – long before the inception of the USDA Organic program.

In his post, Rocchio highlights the key benefits of eggs laid by hens raised in cage-free environments. He shows how pasture raised eggs are lower in fat and naturally more nutritious because they contain more nutrients like vitamin A, E, D and omega-3 fatty acids.

“I constantly hear that people still don’t have options at their local stores to buy eggs from pasture raised chickens, and therefore don’t get the extra nutrients and benefits they provide,” said Rocchio. “That’s why I’m always directing them towards eggs I recommend, such as pasture raised products from Chino Valley Ranchers.”

On his site and social media feeds, Rocchio regularly shares helpful tips for better fitness and healthier living to his 149,000+ followers. Some of his favorite posts compare the benefits of one type of food against a healthier alternative. He enjoys sharing his personal fitness journey and teaching others how to optimize their lives based on what he’s learned over the years as a fitness expert.

Check out Rocchio’s “Caged Versus Pasture Raised” Instagram post here.

To learn more about the health benefits of pasture raised eggs and the organic, cage-free hen raising practices at Chino Valley Ranchers, call (800) 354-4503 for additional information.