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Easy Tips for a Festive Valentine’s Day Breakfast

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, we all want to make the day extra special for the ones we love. While it might not seem like much, the extra touches throughout the day can really show your loved one how much you care about them, starting with a great breakfast. Thinking of serving a boring plate of toast and eggs? No need for that, as Chino Valley Ranchers has a great heart-shaped fried egg recipe to share that will liven up your Valentine’s Day. Check it out!

What You’ll Need:

– Chino Valley Rancher Eggs

– 1 Heart-shaped cookie cutter

– Bread

– Butter

– 1 set of tongs

  1. Begin by using a heart-shaped cookie cutter to cut a heart in the middle of a piece of bread. Remove the inside heart and put it to the side. You won’t need that piece until the very end.
  2. Butter a pan, place the cut bread slice onto the pan and cook until it is lightly brown.
  3. Cover the heart-shaped cookie cutter with cooking spray and fit it in the lightly browned piece of bread.
  4. Crack a Chino Valley Ranchers egg inside of the cookie cutter until it is set within the cutter. Cook for about 2-3 minutes.
  5. Place the toast and eggs on a plate and remove the cookie cutter with tongs.
  6. If you’re feeling really creative, use ketchup to decorate the toast with extra hearts or words of love. You can also use the piece of bread that was cut out in the beginning to dip into the piece of yolk, or just use it as a decorative piece on the plate. There is really no wrong way to decorate it, as your loved one will be so appreciative of the fact that you put so much thought and care into making their breakfast; they’ll be happy with however it turns out!

SEE ALSO: Quick and Easy Organic Egg Recipes for Breakfast

SEE ALSO: What’s for Lunch? Creative Organic Egg Recipes

Whether you decide to decorate it with hearts or pair it with some bacon, the type of egg you choose makes all of the difference. To find the best selection of eggs, contact Chino Valley Ranchers today!