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Chino Valley Ranchers’ Soy-Free Eggs Used in LA Food Blogger’s Chocolate Avocado Bread Recipe

Saphira Tuffery, a popular health food blogger, recently shared a unique and delicious chocolate avocado bread recipe on her Instagram feed (@peanut.head). Among other healthy ingredients, the recipe uses soy-free eggs from Chino Valley Ranchers, a California-based egg producer and distributor.

Chino Valley Ranchers’ Organic Omega-3 Soy-Free Eggs come from hens who are raised in free-range environments and fed a specifically formulated diet. Their feed is soy-free and contains flax seed, which is naturally high in healthy omega-3 fatty acids. In fact, each egg contains 225 milligrams of omega-3s, which is known to have positive health benefits for humans.

In her recipe, Tuffery shares how to make delicious chocolate avocado bread using basic ingredients. In ten easy steps, she creates a low-carb, high-protein snack that’s completely grain-free. “This bread turned out so soft and holds together super well,” Tuffery says. “You have to try it for yourself.”

Tuffery is originally from New Zealand but now calls Los Angeles home. The healthy eating habits instilled by her parents inspired Tuffery to start her own health and lifestyle blog and social media accounts. These platforms allow her to share healthy eating tips, workout ideas and creative recipes to her avid followers.

Check out Tuffery’s chocolate avocado bread recipe here.

Chino Valley Ranchers provides fresh, quality egg products throughout the country. To learn more about Chino Valley Ranchers’ sustainability and humane methods practiced on their ranches, visit or call (800) 354-4503.