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Chino Valley Ranchers Sees More Americans Understanding the Health Benefits of Eating the Entire Egg

Eggs have been steadily making a healthy comeback from two decades of a bad reputation of having high fat and cholesterol, therefore affecting heart health. Research is showing that this may not be true and a case is being made for eating not only more eggs, but also the whole egg, not just the egg whites.
In a recent article by Healthy Living, not only are people encouraged to eat more eggs, they are encouraged to eat the entire egg and not just the egg whites. Researchers argue that one whole egg contains 185 milligrams of cholesterol (egg whites contain none). The daily recommended cholesterol limit is less than 300 milligrams for people with normal LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, so you can enjoy a whole egg each day, as long as you don’t go overboard on other cholesterol-filled foods such as meat and dairy products.

Other reasons to eat the entire egg includes that the white part of the egg may contain most of the protein, but the yolk contains most of the egg’s nutrients. One yolk has 21.9 mg of calcium, 245 IU of vitamin A, 18 IU of vitamin D, 66.3 mg of phosphorus, and 24.8 mcg of folate.
Just one egg for breakfast has 6.3 g of protein to give you sustained energy all morning long. Individuals who eat an egg for breakfast are less likely to hit a midmorning slump and feel the need to reach for a not-so-healthy pick-me-up. In addition, healthy fats are essential to the human body. People who choose eggs fortified with omega-3 fatty acids increase their intake of good polyunsaturated fatty acids in their diet.

“We are happy to see that more and more Americans are understanding and embracing the full range of health benefits eggs have to offer.” commented Chris Nichols, Vice President of Chino Valley Ranchers. “At Chino Valley Ranchers we take pride in our eggs and give our chickens access to the outdoors and good organic food. We believe that our eggs are healthy and good for the body, and we are glad to see that research is coming back around to recognize the healthy benefits of eggs.”

Chino Valley Ranchers is a family owned and operated company located in Arcadia, CA and has been producing quality, organic eggs for over 50 years. During this time, the company has constantly improved its ability to achieve the highest quality organic and cage free eggs for its customers. Chino Valley Ranchers offers many egg varieties, including organic, soy free organic, organic omega-3, organic DHA Omega-3, Veg-a-Fed, Veg-a-Fed Omega-3, Humane Harvest and Nutri-Fresh Fertile eggs. More information about Chino Valley Ranchers can be found on its corporate website at or by calling 1.800.354.4503.